Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My 10 best college moments

Statutory Warning: Senti ahead.

My 10 best college moments
(in no specific order)

1. Festember 08
2. The day Nida brought Whisky to our wing
3.The day I got placed.
4. The 5 days of fucking everyone up to get the Rem out in time
5. Scoring for the first time
6. Complete psycho night with Subho and Mainak before sem exams in 1st year.
7. The 2nd year trek.
8. Everytime someone said "Dude lets have a drink. No binging, just a drink."
9. That first mug of beer in the 2nd year Balls farewell. Start of a love affair.
10. NITTFEST '09 (took them from behaaiind, shoobie doobie doopaaa)


  1. Aditi said...

    Yes, you are a very hilarious gent. I don't care about the lyrics, it feels nice to listen to it. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds doesn't make any sense to me, and the tune isn't genius, but I still like it.
    My blog is the most gen, fake, loser thing ever. And for the record, my parents have never refused to buy me crocs. Where did you get that from? I mean, lyk, dude lyk totally lyk! It's ok, don't worry, stereotyping is something that comes naturally to all humans, you're not spastic.
    I'm feeling sli gen macha. Later.

  2. The Mudd said...

    U know after all this people (like me) are just gonna ask : " You Scored???? "